APIv3 Documentation
Custom Domain Branded URL Shortener API v3 follows the REST API concept.
API root URL: http://s.ball2u.com/tiny/api/3/
Both HTTPS and HTTP supported. But HTTPS recommended.
If you have problem using PATCH HTTP method, we support method override for POST calls via X-HTTP-Method-Override header.
Recommended encoding for request's payload - "application/json".
However "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and "multipart/form-data" are also supported for POST requests.
If you want to make PATCH (or other non POST) request with encoding other then "application/json",
you should use POST method and set X-HTTP-Method-Override header.
GET-parameters should be "percent-encoded".
Responses always encoded with "application/json".
All date-time values in API are in UTC±00:00.
Inactive accounts can't access API. They will get error 1217.
Next steps:
- API Keys - Create, edit, revoke API keys for Branded URL Shortening
- Account info - Get account information like subscription status and usage of account resources
- Shorten URLs - Create short link from long URL
- Read URLs - Get information about short links in your account, search links with a keyword, find links with most clicks etc.
- Edit URLs - Change properties of individual links or groups of links
- Delete URLs - Delete short links from your account
- Click Stats - Read click statistics of short link, reset click counters
- Smart Links - Create and change Smart link routing rules through the APIv3
- Meta Info - API to read lists of allowed parameter values used in Smart Link routing rules
- Tags - Automate processing of a large number of URLs with Tags
- Domains - Read list of shortening domains in your account
- Group Operations - Limitations of batch operations
- Clint Libraries - Native and third-party client libraries to access Tinycc REST API v3
- Usage Examples - APIv3 usage examples with code samples
- Error Codes - API error codes and error messages